get flyers

Check out our library of flyers and social media posts that you can use to help educate others on Project 2025 and its potential dangers.
The Starter Pack
The essentials—these are the flyers we think will grab the most attention.
Climate, Environment, and Natural Spaces
From wildfires to shutting down public parks, call attention to the impacts on our natural world.
Criminal Justice
From more executions to criminalizing miscarriage, Project 2025 will weaponize the legal system.
Education and Childcare
From book bans to the death of public schools— show people how Project 2025 will affect their kids.
Financial Security and Consumer Protection
From energy costs to the FDIC, share how everything from lifestyle to retirement is at risk.
From belief-based care denial to rising out-of-pocket costs,  let people know how their health will be affected.
From mass deportation to undercutting our labor force, share how Project 2025 will affect our communities.
Labor and Worker's Rights
From limiting overtime pay to curtailing the right to organize, learn how Project 2025 will allow employers to oppress workers.
LGBTQ+ Issues
From denying gender affirming care to legalizing discrimination against queer folks, share how the vulnerable will be affected by Project 2025.
Marginalized Groups
From the disabled to religious minorities, let people know how Project 2025 will affect their rights.
Public Services
From weather reports to public transit, share how Project 2025 will impact critical services.
Reproductive Health and Abortion
From abortion to birth control, let people know how Project 2025 will cut their access to critical healthcare.
Rural Issues
From farm subsidies to postal service, share how critical infrastructure will be undercut.
Transportation and Utilities
From closing stations to eliminating safety projects, share how Project 2025 will make public transit more dangerous and costly.
From cutting disability insurance to less support for mental health, share how Project 2025 will fail those who served our nation.
Voting Rights and Democratic Values
From the rule of law to ensuring  fair elections, let people know how Project 2025 will endanger our democracy.